In het project hebben we de Handelingen van het Nederlandse parlement gekoppeld aan media-databanken, zoals de dagbladen en teksten zoals die zijn uitgesproken door het radiojournaal. Deze applicatie is voor een ieder te gebruiken om met een druk op de knop te kunnen zien wat de media zoal schreven over wat er in het parlement werd besproken en gedaan. In het huidige project Talk of Europe zullen de Handelingen van het Europese Parlement worden gecureerd en gekoppeld aan nationale databanken. Dit project doen wij – Max Kemman, Martijn Kleppe, Jill Briggeman en ik – samen met de VU, Dans, NISV, en de initiator Eric, gesubsidideerd door NWO/OCW. Hieronder volgt een korte uitleg over het project.

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ToE-TCC has three ambitions. The first is to translate the proceedings of the European Parliament debates (europarl) to CLARIN standards. In other words, the europarl data is curated to linked data so that it can be linked to and reused by other datasets and services. An interesting aspect of this dataset is that its available in 21 languages, enabling to link to other datasets in as many different languages.

The second ambition is to research how this linked data can be exploited to be used by humanities scholars. The combination of linked datasets with the base available in 21 languages should allow research questions not yet feasible. As such, interlingual comparative research through digital tools becomes possible. In comparison, where PoliMedia focused on how Dutch debates were covered in the Dutch media, the europarl data could be analysed to compare how European Parliament debates are covered in Dutch versus Polish media. Political scientists could analyse how subjects from EP debates relate to subjects in debates of national parliaments. In order to build tools helpful, we will investigate user requirements and possible research questions from humanities scholars. This second aim will be undertaken by Max Kemman, Martijn Kleppe and Henri Beunders from the History department of EUR.

The third ambition is to spark a transnational, European collaboration to create tools for scholars to analyse linked datasets. To this end, three meetings of a week will be organised in which teams from all CLARIN countries are invited to participate. Think hackathon, but a week long and with a European focus.